10-Mar-2013: 1st Day of Election Campaign.. What a great start !!

On Sundary morning, campaign was kicked-off in my apartment, with no prior plan or preparation. By coincidence, our RWA had it’s Monthly meeting which provided me an opportunity to share about the contest officially. Asked the Managing Committee for time and they granted me on the spot.

Many of the residents knew this coming [for more than a year, so it’s no surprise]. They have been very supportive of all my community service activities in the last 4-5 years – Anti-corruption fight in Govt agencies, IAC, BANA and all other activities.

There was sense-of-responsibility shown and appreciation for treading a tough [and rough] path. They all want me to win. It feels good to get instant endorsement from the little community where you live [which often doesn’t happen to few candidates, who then go in search of safer places].

1st Day Campaign - Great start !!!

1st Day Campaign – Great start !!!

1st Day Campaign - Great start !!!

1st Day Campaign – Great start !!!

Of-course, like anybody else, my community too had demands to be put. These issues are pending for long time [actually, for more than 5 years] for no fault of theirs and should have been resolved by now.

In the afternoon, team of volunteers hit the road for door-2-door campaign in my WARD the Arekere area. In the 4-5 hours that we campaigned, we met all kinds of people. But the common thing we observed with most of them is that they all are frustrated given the current state-of-affairs and more so, they are being helpless.

1st Day Campaign - Great start !!!

1st Day Campaign – Great start !!!

1st Day Campaign - Great start !!!

1st Day Campaign – Great start !!!

While some are cynical saying that nothing is going to change or no single person (or small group of people) can change the system as it beyond-repair. But majority welcomed my decision of taking the plunge and will do their best to support me.

One well-informed elderly gentleman [retired bank employee] stopped me after listening to my 2-3 sentences saying that I understand and you need not convince me more. We had lost hope but now that you are doing your part, be assured that we will do our part.

Then a lady who [too does community service] was inside the house while we were talking to her husband, after getting to know about the campaign, came out and engaged in the conversation before we could move to the next house. She thanked me for doing this and said she will share about the campaign with all her friends.

All-in-all it was a great start and the 1st day turned-out to be better than I had hoped for. Having been in community service for 15+ years, I am very much aware that there will be not-so-good days where you question yourself why I am doing it.

Let’s build on this not worrying about the outcome. Many a times, the journey is more enjoyable than the destination itself.

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One Response to “10-Mar-2013: 1st Day of Election Campaign.. What a great start !!”

  1. Sumant Says:

    All the best Yogesh! Our best wishes are with you!

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